Air Cadet Systems

Air Cadet Systems

We build practical which encourage Cadets to interact and participate in Air Cadet activities. Our simulators are designed to offer affordable solutions when budgets and funding are limited.

We have built on the many successes of RC Simulations presence within the armed forces and designed new future proof simulators which will ensure longevity and durability well into the next decade with simulators configured as Grob Tutor, Cadet Controls, Grob 115, Grob 109, Grob 103, Viking, Vigilant, Grob G120, Grob G 120TP, Grob G 120A

Open Cockpit Simulators (Single Seat / Dual Seat)

Closed Cockpit Simulators (Single Seat / Dual Seat)

Fixed Wing

Rotary Wing


Virtual Reality


Contact us for further details  Email:




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